Hey again

Well WordPress, long time no talk. It’s been a bit over a year and a half since I last posted and I regret that decision every day. Well, I’ve decided to start blogging, hoping to regain all my past followers and gain some new ones, hoping to make my blog as successful as it once was.

Since it’s been such a long time since we’ve been apart, let me tell you all what you’ve missed in my not so glorious life

  1. I turned 17. Woot.
  2. I’m halfway through my senior year of high school
  3. I haven’t committed to a college yet but my number 1 choice is San Diego State University
  4. My 2 turtles were released into the wild, well the pond behind my mom’s work. So I know they’ll be kept fed and alive.
  5. I finished my golf career in October, will a spectacular performance at Conference and a pitiful one at Regionals
  6. I stopped being friends with my best friend
  7. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and a binge eating disorder
  8. My parents think working out will fix all my problems
  9. I didn’t back out of yearbook senior year even though that, US History, and my mom have sparked most of my problems
  10. I learned I cannot bake (I forgot the flour….twice)
  11. I got my first C in a class
  12. I joined my schools water polo team; my knee was happy about that
  13. I began nannying 2 twin 5-year olds 4 days a week
  14. went to prom solo
  15. didn’t go to senior homecoming because why not?
  16. went to Kentucky with my whole family for a week for some R&R
  17. became my schools Executive Board Treasurer
  18. Met Claes Nobel
  19. Met and spoke with Tina Meier
  20. reconnected with old friends
  21. met new friends
  22. Started my last semester as a high-schooler
  23. Applied to 16 colleges (accepted into 10, waiting on 6)

Well, that’s been my life for the past year and a half

Oh might I add that I’m not about 180 lbs and not nearly as healthy or happy as I want to be so I desperately need good vibes and support as I finish out my senior year as I plan on the next 4 years of my life.

Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂


PS Let me know if you saw this with a like or comment so I know I still have followers who exist still Thanks!

Your own Personal Gym!


Getting better!

Hey all!

So, I went to school yesterday, got my (not so) big pile of homework, and then stayed home today to take care of my mom who got surgery yesterday. I feel much better and tomorrow I believe I will start the 30DS. Woot, Getting back into gears. That’s all. 🙂

Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂


2012 in a Nut Shell


Well, here we go again. I haven’t posted in almost 20 days. I would like to say I’ve kept on track, but in all reality, I haven’t. Because my cyst appeared again, I was put of basketball, gym, and I had to rely on eating healthy to shed some weight. Which I did, but Christmas was three days ago and from the 22nd until yesterday, I kind of ate and ate. It wasn’t a lot of eating, just not healthy eating. I mentioned in my last post about how I was doing the No Junk Food Challenge, which I completed, and the Xmas squat challenge, which I stopped doing after day 5, because of long days, stress from finals, and I’m just a slacker. But, I am proud of what I have accomplished.

This year

  • I completed the No Junk Food Challenge 5 times
  • I got over my knee
  • I made 21 days on the 30 Day Shred
  • I got a B+ on my micro final
  • I lost 20 pounds since June (yep I’m at 160)
  • I have been eating healthy
  • I am enjoying exercise
  • I have created a blog
  • I have accumulated over 150 followers on this blog
  • I have written 81 posts
  • I have begun to like my body

I could go on, but I’ve realized that getting off track is easy, but getting back on track, while difficult, is a great decision. So, by this time next year, I hope to be on track, healthy, happy, and at my goal weight of 140 lbs or less. Let’s do it,

let’s take a look on these past 20 days

Well, I got back to playing basketball last Saturday, I played on Wednesday, we won. We lost on Thursday. Damn, We have another game today, wish us luck. 🙂 I got all A’s in school minus micro with a B+, that’s okay. I have started seeing definition in my arms, I don’t know what from, but I like it. I got an ultra sound from my stomach last week and it seemed all good, so I went to the OBGYN and he put me on a birth control pill to “relax the ovaries.” That is all, ovary relaxing, nothing else. I got stuff for Christmas! Whoa, I know. I got a new camera. a camera case, I desk calendar, some Micro and Macro economics books, a sweater, a sweatshirt, money, pajamas, etc. It was a good Christmas, and on Sunday, I go to another Christmas party and I think tomorrow some of my friends and I are getting together and exchanging gifts then, so more to come. December, other than that, has been pretty boring, but that’s okay. My friend and I plan on going to the YMCA next week because we don’t have a lot of practices. So, that’ll be fun. That’s really all I have to say, So I talk to you all tonight or tomorrow. 🙂


Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂




November 27th

6 post in three days, be proud of me, be proud. 🙂

Well, anyway, let’s begin, shall we?

Well, woke up, ate some toast and nutella and went to school. School was the same as yesterday but not as eventful. i ended up choosing Religion vs. State, media, and Society.

After my morning classes and my 49.5/55 on my math test, it was lunch time. I had an apple, applesauce, yogurt, and a granola bar.

In chemistry, we learned about sexting and cyber-bullying. It was weird. I learned that computer ganstas are real things and that sextortion is a word.  Fun

After school, I went to a meeting about the Salvation army belll ringing that the club I am in does every year. Yep, fun.

And then i went to my game. We won 48-32. 16 turnovers later…. it was bad.

Oh, and i dressed up today. I wore a sweater and skirt and tights and everyone said I looked cute. It was great. The whole team dressed up. Fun.

anyway, then I came home and had pizza for dinner. 🙂

I  had a total of 1452 calories

Pretty Good day

Happy Shredding




November 13th

AHHHHHHH! Three days in a row! This makes me happy. 🙂


Anyway, I woke up this morning and had a donut for breakfast, along with some strawberries. I then showered and got ready or school. I went to school, and in english we read Unwind, I have 70 pages to go. I recommend you read it. Good book, good good book. Anyway, in Spanish I had a test. In yearbook I am creating the ‘senior ads’ (those are basically where the parents of seniors send in pictures and text they want displayed about or to their child in the yearbook.) I had to send 18 emails to all of the parents of the ads I was assigned. I have one left. It’s hard work. After that, I get to start creating them. Yay. Then, in geometry I had a test. That was okay. There were 2 problems I wasn’t 100% sure on. but, I know I’ll do fine. after that was lunch. I had some yogurt, applesauce, a granola bar and an apple. we didn’t ave any bread so no sandwich for me.

After lunch, was gym. We did kick-boxing and it’s really fun. I want to take some kickboxing classes or something because I really enjoy it and  I would like to get better. After that, I had the third and final test of the day, microeconomics. Let’s pretend I did good, k? Anyway, I have part 2 of that test tomorrow, so, wish me luck. And finally, after economics I had Chemistry. we learned something new, or at least it was taught, poorly. I hope my teacher explains it better tomorrow.

After school, I stayed at school until about 4:30 with my friends because I had no practice and yeah. So, I had some of my friend’s chips after school. And I did my Chemistry homework with her.

When I got home, I had a few of these mint chocolate penguin things that my sister sold for girl scouts. I was on tumblr and Facebook and did everything but my homework. Oops.

and then I made dinner for my sister and I because my parents weren’t home and they sill are. I made chicken and rice. And after that, we had a few more chocolate penguins. And there was my day.


sadkjhgdwjhasighewihfiu Oh goodness. Okay, so there is this guy I like right? Anyway, he has a girlfriend.. but he was at my basketball game last night and I saw him today after school and he was like, “great game last night Alicia.” skdjgakwbafjifjibsijnfbsuj 🙂 🙂 :):):):):):) Oh goodness it was splendid. I was like ‘Thanks” but in my head I was like


It was great! Anyway, yeah that was my day. 🙂

I had a total of 1453 calories


Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂


So, once again my life has been rather busy. With school sports, and just trying to fi in time for myself, I have been BUSY.

So, because of all my business, I thought I should tell you all about what has happened in my life, since I have neglected to in the past few weeks.


  • Well, I made the basketball team!! Woot. Number 13!
  • I got a haircut, on friday, 2 inches not too bad.
  • My dog turned 6
  • my friend and I are writing a novel for National Novel Writing Month
  • I brought my grade up to a B+ in my micro class.
  • I am now a size 6 in jeans!!!!!! sdjkgoisgjsoig So happy.
  • I went to homecoming con las amigas (with my friends)
  • My first basketball game is tomorrow
  • I lost one more pound. 163 lbs ad dropping. 🙂
  • I have been working out 6 days a week for basketball, and I’m loving it.
  • My thigh muscle is so visible and great
  • I got new basketball shoes.
  • I reorganized the furniture in my room.
  • I have created another blog, which is feeling neglected as well. I am not going to mix the two, for now.
  • I have begun writing my life story on the other blog and when I get to present day, I will let my imagination work its magic.
  • I’m getting a new phone in January. 🙂
  • I have been drinking only water for a while.
  • I didn’t overeat on Halloween, err, umm, by a lot. No more than 2000 calories. Which was good.
  • I hadn’t eaten over about 1500 calories since the last time I blogged.
  • Endorphins are great, much better than chocolate!
  • I had a 99.7% in spanish class for the quarter, come on, round-up. 🙂
  • I believe that is all
  • I like writing in bullets
  • It makes me feel like I am getting thing accomplished
  • I should probably stop 🙂 🙂

Anyway, that is what has been happening to me. I really do apologize for the lack of posts. But, I have devised a plan that will hopefully get me to blog more. Instead of posting one humongous post every couple of weeks. At night I will post what I ate and such, a little bit about my day, and on the weekend I will (hopefully) go more in-depth with my week and such, maybe post some work out videos and other fun things I have tried/ am going to try. Ever since my guest blog appearance I have gotten a few emails that they enjoyed what I had posted. So, I will try to post more.

And to be honest, I don’t want to post what I ate for the past two weeks. all I know is that it ranged from around 1100 to 1600 and on Halloween,  it went a smidge over. Anyway, I guess I can talk about today.


So,I woke up at about 8:30. Sunday. Darn it. I always hate Sundays because I procrastinate, I admit it, and I wait until Sunday night to do my homework .I actually wasn’t going to create this post because I was still doing my homework. Oops. Anyway, so I walked downstairs and the smell of coffee and Dunkin donuts filled my nostrils. So, I had two donuts Oops. Anyway, after that, I watched TV with my dad for a while and then made my way back upstairs to my room. I worked on the novel my friend and I are doing for a bit, and then decided to read. For school, we are reading Unwind,  I recommend it, muy bien. I’m on part 5. when I finished that, I worked on the novel for a while, and then I kind of did nothing. I got bored and so I had some applesauce. I finished my part for the novel. We are at 22695/50000 words. Almost half way done. Woot. After that, my parents had some friends over so I locked myself in my room because I was still in my pajamas and I didn’t feel like putting on clothes.

A while later, my mom got a call from my grandparents asking if we wanted to got out to dinner, which we did. When we went out, I got ravioli, it was really good. after that, we went to this ice cream place, but I got froyo, which is just as good, if not better than ice cream. And after that, I came home, and worked on some more of my homework and here I am now. I really like telling people about my day. It’s quite nice, I have to admit. I should so this more often. 🙂


anyway, I must depart. I have to create a new page on the blog, for some goals I have.  Check it out when it’s finished. I’ll probably call it ‘Goals!’ very original, I know. Well, TOODLES!!



Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂

And have some pictures because I lacked them for a while 🙂



Friday September 21st

Hello my readers. Friday was fun.

I woke up at 5:30 ish and had some toast. Love the new toaster. 🙂 Then I went to school. Whoa, so I have a Math test on Monday, which I probably should be studying for but I wanted to write, so I am writing. 🙂 That’s really all that’s going on in my morning classes. Except for the fact that my Spanish teacher is treating everyone in my class like we are 2nd graders. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I comprehend Spanish much better than everyone else, and last year, we went at a pace that I was comfortable with, not now. we spend our class periods drawing and working on one packet instead of applying what we learn. It erks me. But, anyhow, then came lunch. I went and worked on my TV project again and I had to redo all of what I had done the day before. But, it’s all right.

For lunch, I had a sandwich, some applesauce, some grapes and a yogurt. I then went to all of my after noon classes and I was baffled when I got to Chemistry and my teacher attempted to explain our lab to us. He isn’t a good explainer… Anyway, we also took a quiz on 48 of the 114 elements. I got a 100%. 🙂 I am smart. :). After school, we just had a golf meeting because we had played ‘so much’ golf in the past week, not really, but okay. After that, I went to my economics class to get help on the test we had just taken a few days before. I got a 74% on that test and that isn’t really a score I can live with, so I went and did all of my test corrections and boosted it up to an 84%. Thank god. I was going home with my friend whose sister teaches at my school but as we walked outside, none other than my dad was parked out front. I was quite puzzled as to why he had gotten off work early but I went home with him, obviously. I got home and did some homework and had some cashews. Haha..no. I didn’t do homework, but I did have cashews. I was going to go to my football game but it was raining and gross so I didn’t. For dinner I had some pizza. oh and in gym calls we did yoga, it’s quite relaxing.

I had a total of 1550 calories.

Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂

September 17th

hello world! So, today was a great day. Why? Not sure. I have been so happy ever since school started and most people have been the exact opposite. Every day my friends will ask me,”Are you happy again today” As if my beaming smile didn’t already tell them. I enjoy being happy and brightening people’s days, it’s just what I do.

Anyway, I woke up at 5:30 and had some cereal. I measured out the proper portion size and ate that. it was more than I ate in the first place. 3/4 cup of Honey Bunches of Oats is quite a lot. Anyway, then I went to school. At school, in English class, we are blogging. We created our own blogs and I was like, “!!! I know all about blogging!!!!” Or, well, my teacher calls it blerging. He is unique.  Anyway, that was fun. Then, in yearbook, because I am design editor, I have to teach the ‘youngins’ all about the editing program we use. I am not sure why my friend and I call the class the youngins, because, well, I am on of, if not the youngest in the class. Oh well… Anyway. I was like, “Woot can’t wait. I should just take over the class. ”

But no. Then I had lunch. We are experiencing a food deprivation in my house, So I had a turkey and cheese sandwich, carrots, and some applesauce. My friend gave me some of her twix bar. It was delicious. I haven’t had a twix in forever!

After lunch I went to gym. Monday is resistance training. Oh my god. We did, tricep dips, up downs, push ups, angle push ups, the stairs outside at our football stadium TWICE, and a bunch of other fun things. My face was red…

Now, this is what I don’t understand. My face turns beet red when I work out at school, which I found out here is normal ( I don’t sweat at school), but when I do things like the 30 Day shred, it doesn’t but I sweat a lot. .  Anyone know why? If so, please tell me.

Anyways, after school, I had to stay and work for my TV program at school. And then I came home. It was 6 and since we had no food, my dad ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut and it was good. Woot. And then I did all of my homework. The end. 🙂
I had a total of 1320 calories.


Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂

P.S. My friend told me I looked good today

After that, I went to

September 16th. :)

So, today was alright. Except for the fact that I went to bed with a 101 degree fever(forgot to mention this in the last post). That wasn’t fun. So, I was then freezing, so I put on some thicker pajama pants, turned my fan off, and put on a thick blanket which was amazing until I woke up at 11:11, in a sweat. My fever had broken. Yep, turned my fan on, put on shorts, and flung my blanket on the ground. Then, I fell back to sleep and was woken up at 2:43 for some odd reason. I finally went back to sleep and woke up at 6:30. So, yes, what a lovely night.

Anyway, I trudged down the stairs and ate some breakfast. Then, I did some homework, what fun, and by that time it was about noon, so I ate a sandwich, some applesauce, and a granola bar. My sister had a party to go to so my dad and I had planned on playing 18 holes of golf, to prepare myself for the three matches I have this week, but there was an outing at one course, and a bunch of other places that we couldn’t start until later, so we ended up just going to the driving range. I hit the ball really well and I am stoked for the matches this upcoming week.

After that, My dad and I got smoothies. mine was strawberry banana. I then did some more homework, and blogged. and by that time, it was dinner time. I had some pasta and half a meatball. I also had 3 mini twix bars. That is all.

I had a total of 1609 calories. Yowza…


Happy Shredding
