The gods are not on my side.

Well. It seems as if every time I really get on track and make it far with the 30 Day Shred, something has to come in he way of my plans. In my last post, I mentioned my stomach bothering me and how I may or may not be lactose intolerant but let’s not talk about that, So, I had food poisoning, and then I missed three days of the 30DS even though I said they would happen. I figured I should not risk feeling sick for more days and when you can’t stand up without writhing in pain, something’s not right. We think I had food poisoning, but I don’t know. It wasn’t related to my cyst from my hospital visit in July, everyone though I was, but I’m sure it wasn’t… different pain in different places.

I really think that the workout ‘gods’ don’t ever want  me to complete the 30 day Shred. Why? Everytime I get far, like one week or more, something happens and I have to restart. I only missed three days so I started last Thursday and I will complete it (or so we hope) by May 24th, my last day of school. I’m on day 9 already, which by stating this, makes me realize how long ago, I made my last  post., Darn, Anyway, I’ll just pick up with the day I left off on for the 30 Days of weight loss challenge and I will be starting a new squat challenge tomorrow, I’m leaving for a party that gets over at 10:30 in about 5 minutes so I’ll start it tomorrow. My knee hasn’t been bugging me so I will try to finish the challenge. Woot.

tumblr_mlxu2bkhkH1qi6obqo1_500 squat-challenge-011 gingermantra-may-2013-squat-challenge

Day 16- when did you first decide to lose weight?

Well, after 8th grade graduation. When a size 16 dress was snug and almost didn’t fit, after my doctor told me that my weight had skyrocketed. when I looked at pictures and my sister could barely wrap her arms around me, after I missed a day of school to avoid running, after I lost control of my weight and my eating habits, after my mom told me to ‘stop eating’ at a party, before I became me.


Well, you haven’t missed much in these past two weeks. I won junior class president. That’s really it. Yesterday was bring your child to work day at my school and on Thursday, we watched a birthing video in health. Children are adorable but having children doesn’t seem to fun. Anyway, I went to the cubs game yesterday with my mom, I ditched school, but whatever. It poured and poured but we stayed the whole game and the Cubs ended up losing by 1. IT happens. We were about six rows behind home plate. The tickets were amazing.

Picture I took
Picture I took

And that’s about it.


Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂



April Challenges Day 1… Round 2

Well my friends. Through my week of absence I have finally found the reason I have not once completed the 30 Day Shred. Like I am doing now with my English homework, I procrastinate. When  I wait until 10 O’Clock and night to do the 30 Day Shred, I have a better chance of not doing it, or doing it poorly, than actually trying. So, I have devised a plan on how I can do the 30 Day Shred, my No Junk Food Challenge which will start tomorrow, the 30 days of weight loss answering of questions, and the squat challenge. Ready for this?

Alright, Well, I’ll just give you my last night into today and we’ll talk about it

Well, last night I set an alarm for 5:20 and 5:30. Then, well normally I go to sleep at 8. “go to sleep.” By sleep, I mean lay in my bed and screw around on my phone until 11 and then sleep. Well, last night I was asleep before nine and alert and ready to go for my workout when my alarm went off at 5:20. So, I got out of bed, put my workout gear on, and did the 30 Day Shred… at 5:30 in the morning. I don’t remember doing this, but it happened. And, well it seems to me that I can’t do anything without getting injured. You see, it was Circuit 3 and I was going from chest flies to anterior raises and a side lunge when my knee rubbed against the floor. I figured it was just a rug burn so I kept going. After making the transition from the lunges back down to the floor, my knee caressed the floor and I smeared my blood on the carpet. It’s really great… just kidding.


Well that’s that. afterwards I make three hard-boiled eggs for myself. Just wanting to cleanse my body I did a face mask from Lush, they’re heavenly and showered. By the time I was done getting ready for school I had 20 minutes to spare so I just sat there on my couch, relaxing, something I usually don’t get to do in the morning.

Well, school… was school. English we were supposed to be blogging, blogging about the homework I didn’t do, which I have to do after I publish this post, then in yearbook class which my friend and I are…. Wait for it…. THE CO-EDITOR IN CHIEFS of the 2013-2014 yearbook. Woot, Any who, Yeah we had to give the kids in the class homework. I felt so in charge. That is, until they didn’t want to do it. But ehh, it’s due Thursday.

So, then the day went and went and it was fun and then lunch. Lunch was great. I was happily eating my apple until the giant centipede decided it would go for an afternoon stroll right where I was sitting (I was on the floor because my friends eat in the band room, so I eat there too at times). Yeah, the boys wouldn’t kill it and some girl didn’t want it dead, but then out of nowhere a girl hit it with her shoe, and it was dead, Alas, bye-bye buggy. Then, no one wanted to clean up the remains, so that was left for me. It’s only a bug, all is fine. I did lose my appetite however, picturing that crawling into my lunch box… GROSS

I am in AP Micro and MAcro econ so after school, I had to go to the lunch room for bubbling al of my answer keys (name, address, school, etc) so that when it came time for test taking, we could start bright and early. And that was my day.

So, I did finish my 50 squats, and the No Junk Food challenge commences tomorrow, and we’ll do day 1 of the whatever other challenge I’m doing.

Day 1


Well, I’m 5’7″ and 163 pounds. That’s all.

Well, Happy Shredding

Alicia 🙂


Challenges for April!

So, today is April 1st, and along with the 30 Day Shred, I will be doing these challenges


For those of you, whose legs and butt can take more squats, her are some for you



Happy Shredding

